- The review process is now over: 77 contributions have been accepted as workshop papers. They will be published in the Companion Volume (and hence in the Digital Library) and presented during the workshop sessions of the conference.
- Search the list below by typing text in the column headers.
- The Papers Submission Instructions are still available for your information.
Track | Title | Authors |
WS - PDEIM | Exploiting Multi-Objective Parallel Extremal Optimization Features in Dynamic Load Balancing | Umberto Scafuri, Ernesto Tarantino, Ivanoe De Falco, Eryk Laskowski, Richard Olejnik Richard Olejnik, Marek Tudruj |
WS - IWLCS | Learning Classifier Systems: Appreciating the Lateralized Approach | Abubakar Siddique, Will Neil Browne, Gina Grimshaw, Abubakar Siddique |
WS - IWLCS | A Scikit-learn Compatible Learning Classifier System | Robert Zhang, Ryan Urbanowicz |
WS - DTEO | Incremental Lattice Design of Weight Vector Set | Keiki Takadama, Tomoaki Takagi, Hiroyuki Sato |
WS - NEWK | Neuro Evolutional with Game-Driven Cultural Algorithms | Faisal Waris, Robert Reynolds |
WS - PDEIM | A Parallel Two-Stage Genetic Algorithm for Route Planning | David Mathias, Samantha Foley |
WS - ECADA | Time-Dependent Automatic Parameter Configuration of a Local Search Algorithm | Weerapan Sae-Dan, Marie-Eleonore Kessaci, Nadarajen Veerapen, Laetitia Jourdan |
WS - ERRW | Reusability vs Morphological Space in Physical Robot Evolution | Andres Faina, Rodrigo Moreno |
WS - VizGEC | Using PageRank to Uncover Patterns in Search Behavior Induced by the Bit Flip Operator | Timothy Andersen, Thomas Green |
WS - INTM | Introducing Counterexamples to a Robotic Agent Using Clicker Training | Travis DeVault, Terence Soule, Robert B. Heckendorn |
WS - SAEO | Bayesian Methods for Multi-objective Optimization of a Supersonic Wing Planform | Ghifari Faza, Pramudita Satria Palar, Koji Shimoyama, Timothy MS Jim |
WS - NEWK | Mutational Puissance Assisted Neuroevolution | Shivashankar Nair, Divya D. Kulkarni |
WS - GECDSRM | Adversarial Threats to LArge Satellite Networks (ATLAS-N): A Coevolutionary Approach Based on FlipIt | Deacon Seals, Davide Guzzetti, Jay Patel, Daniel R. Tauritz, Dhathri Somavarapu |
WS- EAUNC | Solution Approaches for the Dynamic Stacking Problem | Stefan Wagner, Andreas Beham, Michael Affenzeller, Sebastian Raggl, Sebastian Raggl |
WS - GI | Tuning Genetic Algorithm Parameters using Design of Experiments | Mohsen Mosayebi, Manbir Sodhi |
WS - SIAFPC | gBeam-ACO: a greedy and faster variant of Beam-ACO | Suely Oliveira, David Stewart, Jeff Hajewski, Laura Weiler |
WS - SAEO | A Surrogate-assisted GA Enabling High-throughput ML by Optimal Feature and Discretization Selection | Johan Garcia |
WS - WCPERM | Monte Carlo Tree Search on Perfect Rectangle Packing Problem Instances | Daan van den Berg, Igor Pejic |
WS - IWLCS | An Adaption Mechanism for the Error Threshold of XCSF | Paul Kaufmann, Marco Platzner, Tim Hansmeier |
WS - GECDSRM | Exploring an Artificial Arms Race for Malware Detection | Nur Zincir-Heywood, Ibrahim Zincir, Zachary N Wilkins |
WS - NEWK | GEVO-ML: A Proposal for Optimizing ML Code with Evolutionary Computation | Jhe-Yu Liou, Xiaodong Wang, Carole-Jean Wu, Jhe-Yu Liou, Stephanie Forrest |
WS - ECSS | Operon C++: an Efficient Genetic Programming Framework for Symbolic Regression | Bogdan Burlacu, Bogdan Burlacu, Michael Kommenda, Gabriel Kronberger |
WS - IWLCS | PEPACS: Integrating Probability-Enhanced Predictions to ACS2 | Pierre Parrend, Romain Orhand, Anne Jeannin-Girardon, Pierre Collet |
WS - WCPERM | The $(1+(lambda,lambda))$ Genetic Algorithm for Permutations | Anton Bassin, Maxim Buzdalov |
WS - ECADA | The Automated Design of Local Optimizers for Memetic Algorithms Employing Supportive Coevolution | Aaron Scott Pope, Daniel R. Tauritz, Nathaniel Kamrath |
WS - SIAFPC | Ensemble of Strategies and Perturbation Parameter Based SOMA for Optimal Stabilization of Chaotic Oscillations | Michal Pluhacek, Tomas Kadavy, Adam Viktorin, Roman Senkerik |
WS - GBPEC | A Benchmark with Facile Adjustment of Difficulty for Many-Objective Genetic Programming and Its Reference Set | Makoto Ohki |
WS - SIAFPC | Discrete Self Organizing Algorithm for Pollution Vehicle Routing Problem | Donald Davendra, Magdalena Bialic-Davendera |
WS - ECSS | Open Source Evolutionary Structured Optimization | Pauline Bennet, Daniel Haziza, Olivier Teytaud, Jeremy Rapin, Antoine Moreau, Emmanuel Centeno |
WS - RWACMO | Uncertainty Quantification Methods for Evolutionary Optimization under Uncertainty | Koji Shimoyama, Pramudita Satria Palar, Lavi Zuhal |
WS - IWLCS | An Overview of LCS Research from IWLCS 2019 to 2020 | David Pätzel, Masaya Nakata, Anthony Stein |
WS - GECDSRM | Using Evolutionary Algorithms and Pareto Ranking to Identify Secure Virtual Local Area Networks | Jinku Cui, David John, Alina Pacheco, Errin Fulp |
WS - NEWK | Multi-Objective Evolutionary GAN | Marco Baioletti, Gabriele Di Bari, Carlos A. Coello Coello, Valentina Poggioni |
WS - WCPERM | On the solvability of routing multiple point-to-point paths in Manhattan meshes | Yannick Vinkesteijn, Daan van den Berg, Reitze Jansen |
WS - ECSS | Implementation matters, also in concurrent evolutionary algorithms | JJ Merelo, Sergio Rojas-Galeano, Mario Garcia-Valdez |
WS - ECSS | Library for Evolutionary Algorithms in Python (LEAP) | Eric Scott, Jeffrey K. Bassett, Mark Coletti, Mark Coletti |
WS - ECADA | Dynamic Primitive Granularity Control: An Exploration of Unique Design Considerations | Aaron Scott Pope, Braden N Tisdale, Daniel R. Tauritz, Braden Tisdale |
WS - IAM | A Benchmark of Recent Population-Based Metaheuristic Algorithms for Multi-Layer Neural Network Training | Seyed Mohammad Jafar Jalali, Seyed Jalaleddin Mousavirad, Gerald Schaefer, Iakov Korovin |
WS - IWLCS | Investigating Exploration Techniques for ACS in Discretized Real-Valued Environments | Norbert Kozlowski, Olgierd Unold |
WS - NEWK | Learning to Walk - Reward relevance within an enhanced Neuroevolution approach | Ivan Colucci, Angelo Marcelli, Giuseppe Pellegrino, Antonio Della Cioppa |
WS - ERRW | Path Towards Multilevel Evolution of Robots | Shelvin Chand, Gerard Howard |
WS - ECSS | GA-lapagos, an Open-Source C Framework including a Python-based System for Data Analysis | José Nacif, Peter Jamieson, Ricardo Ferreira |
WS - VizGEC | Visual Mapping of Multi-objective Optimization Problems and Evolutionary Algorithms | Kohei Yamamoto, Keiki Takadama, Tomoaki Takagi, Hiroyuki Sato |
WS - PDEIM | An Evolutionary Approach for Constructing Multi-Stage Classifiers | Nolan Hamilton, Errin Fulp |
WS - PDEIM | cMOGA/D: a novel cellular GA based on decomposition to tackle constrained multiobjetive problems | Maria-Guadalupe Martínez-Peñaloza, Cosijopii Garcia-Garcia, Alicia Morales-Reyes |
WS - IAM | A Pareto Front-based Metric to Identify Major Bitcoin Network Influencers | Shahryar Rahnamayan, Azam Asilian Bidgoli, Masoud Makrehchi, Jonathan Gillett |
WS - SIAFPC | Applications of swarm intelligence algorithms countering the cyber threats | Thanh Cong Truong, Ivan Zelinka, Tan-Phuoc Huynh |
WS - GI | Evolving sqrt into 1/x via Software Data Maintenance | William B. Langdon, Oliver Krauss |
WS - WCPERM | An experimental evaluation of the Algebraic Differential Evolution algorithm on the Single Row Facility Layout Problem | Marco Baioletti, Gabriele Di Bari, Valentino Santucci |
WS - RWACMO | High-Dimensional Multi-Level Maximum Variance Threshold Selection for Image Segmentation: A Benchmark of Recent Population-based Metaheuristic Algorithms | Seyed Jalaleddin Mousavirad, Gerald Schaefer, Iakov Korovin, Zahra Movahedi |
WS - ERRW | Evolutionary Stress Factors for Adaptable Robot 'Personalities' | Edmund R. Hunt |
WS - SIAFPC | High-Dimensional Multi-Level Image Thresholding using Self-Organizing Migrating Algorithm | Seyed Jalaleddin Mousavirad, Gerald Schaefer, Iakov Korovin |
WS - ERRW | Automatically designing the behaviours of falling paper | Toby Howison, Emma Hart, Fumiya Iida |
WS - SIAFPC | Archive-Based Swarms | Chilukuri Mohan, Nishant Rodrigues |
WS - ECSS | Integrating HeuristicLab with Compilers and Interpreters for Non-Functional Code Optimization | Oliver Krauss, Daniel Dorfmeister |
WS - GI | Optimising the Fit of Stack Overflow Code Snippets into Existing Code | Brittany Reid, Markus Wagner, Christoph Treude |
WS - DTEO | Multi-objective Optimization in the Agile Software Project Scheduling using Decomposition | Humberto Cervantes, Saul Zapotecas-Martinez, Abel Garcia Najera, Saúl Zapotecas-Martínez |
WS - ERRW | Real World Morphological Evolution is Feasible | Gerard Howard, Kyrre Glette, Tønnes F. Nygaard |
WS - SAEO | What do you Mean? The Role of the Mean Function in Bayesian Optimisation | Richard Everson, George De Ath, Jonathan Edward Fieldsend |
WS - GI | Genetic Improvement of Software Efficiency: The Curse of Fitness Estimation | Brad Alexander, Markus Wagner, Mahmoud Bokhari |
WS - SIAFPC | Self-organizing Migrating Algorithm with Clustering-aided Migration | Michal Pluhacek, Tomas Kadavy, Roman Senkerik, Adam Viktorin |
WS - ECADA | On the Sensitivity Analysis of Cartesian Genetic Programming Hyper-Heuristic | Fernando Buarque, Luis Pessoa, Bernd Hellingrath |
WS - INTM | Characteristic Analysis of Auditory Perception and Aesthetics in Sound Composition Optimization Using Revised Interactive Differential Evolution | Yan Pei, Yan Pei, Hayato Shindo |
WS - SIAFPC | Colour Quantisation using Self-Organizing Migrating Algorithm | Seyed Jalaleddin Mousavirad, Gerald Schaefer, Iakov Korovin |
WS - ERRW | If It Evolves It Needs To Learn | Emma Hart, A.E. Eiben |
WS - PDEIM | ExaEvo: Topological Optimization and Scalability of Evolutionary Algorithms | Bradley Morgan, Daniel R. Tauritz, Ian Morgan |
WS - IWLCS | Generic Approaches for Parallel Rule Matching in Learning Classifier Systems | Lukas Rosenbauer, Jörg Hähner, Anthony Stein |
WS - GECDSRM | Securing the Software Defined Perimeter with Co-Optimization | Erik Hemberg, Una-May O'Reilly, Michal Shlapentokh-Rothman |
WS - GECDSRM | Delivering diverse web server configuration in a moving target defense using evolutionary algorithms | Ernesto Serrano Collado, JJ Merelo, Mario Garcia-Valdez |
WS - WCPERM | Gradient Search in the Space of Permutations: an application for the Linear Ordering Problem | Marco Baioletti, Josu Ceberio, Valentino Santucci |
WS - WCPERM | Tabu Search and Iterated Greedy for a Flow Shop Scheduling Problem with Worker Assignment | Jose Elias Claudio Arroyo, Lucas Fialho, Matheus Araujo |
WS - GI | An Annotated Dataset of Stack Overflow Post Edits | Markus Wagner, Sebastian Baltes |
WS - IWLCS | XCS as a Reinforcement Learning Approach to Automatic Test Case Prioritization | Roland Maier, David Pätzel, Lukas Rosenbauer, Jörg Hähner, Anthony Stein |
WS - EMOO | Preliminary Study of Adaptive Grid-based Decomposition on Many-objective Evolutionary Optimization | Kensuke Kano, Keiki Takadama, Tomoaki Takagi, Hiroyuki Sato |
WS - WCPERM | dMFEA-II: An Adaptive Multifactorial Evolutionary Algorithm for Permutation-based Discrete Optimization Problems | Eneko Osaba, Javier Del Ser, Aritz D. Martinez , Andres Iglesias, Akemi Galvez |
WS - SIAFPC | A Modular Hybridization of Particle Swarm Optimization and Differential Evolution | Rick Boks, Thomas Bäck, Hao Wang |
WS - IAM | Scheduling unrelated parallel machines with family setups and resource constraints to minimize total tardiness | Julio Pinheiro, Jose Elias Claudio Arroyo, Lucas Fialho |